Saturday, September 13, 2014

Clarification of UDL

       CAST is a non-profit research and development organization that works to expand learning opportunities for all individuals using the Universal Design for Learning framework (hhtp:// This organization allows educators and parents to familiarize themselves with how individuals learn therefore, permitting effective advocacy for students.
       Each person brings with him his own skills, interests, and needs that effect how he/she learns. UDL allows educators to understand the networks of the brain in order to design a more effective classroom.   
    The three networks are as follows:
-  Recognition Network or the "what" of learning.  This is how we gather facts, visually, auditory, language understanding and background knowledge just, to name a few.
- Strategic Network is the "how" of learning. This is the way we organize tasks and express ideas, like writing an essay.
-Affective Network is the “why” of learning in UDL.  This is how the learner is challenged or motivated.
  This post should help to further clarify the Universal Design for Learning.  I am excited about implementing these checkpoints into my classroom.

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